Thursday 29 October 2009

Step 2 - quantify (how much) time to make way for your dreams

I was thinking of calling step 2 smash up the telly.
The reason? I think it's the biggest suck of your time going. When my wife Sue recently started a teacher training course, the first thing I suggested was to cancel the sky subscription. "We won't have time for telly", we agreed. Do you feel that you are watching too much telly or drinking too much or reading the news paper? Sounds familiar?

As Sue was going to be doing homework and study for the next 9 months, I thought I would use my spare time productively. This is where quantifying your time is important.

How much do you spend on each activity every day?

Take a classical worker - their day could be broken down into the following sections.

8 hours sleep
8 hours work
8 hours... DREAM TIME!

That's right, there's 8 hours every day where you are not sleeping or working.
What do you currently do in this time?

Make a list of what you do of a typical evening. Be honest and get a notepad and write down what you do.

Mine currently looks like this.
Cooking, Eating and chatting with Sue - 1 hour
Networking - 1 hour
Telly - 1/2 hour
Facebook - 1 hour
Reading - 1 hour
Planning - 1 hour
Working on one of my businesses - 1 hour
Blogging - 1 hour

How much time are you spending doing things you could do without.

You'll start to get a picture of how much spare time you really have.
The next step is to think about Asset time vs liability time.

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